The take operator in APL allows you to retrieve a specified number of rows from a dataset. It’s useful when you want to preview data, limit the result set for performance reasons, or fetch a random sample from large datasets. The take operator can be particularly effective in scenarios like log analysis, security monitoring, and telemetry where large amounts of data are processed, and only a subset is needed for analysis.

For users of other query languages

If you come from other query languages, this section explains how to adjust your existing queries to achieve the same results in APL.



| take N


  • N: The number of rows to take from the dataset. N must be a positive integer.


The operator returns the specified number of rows from the dataset.

Use case examples

The take operator is useful in log analysis when you need to view a subset of logs to quickly identify trends or errors without analyzing the entire dataset.


| take 5

Run in Playground

2023-10-18T10:01:00Z85u124404/loginPOSTNew YorkUSA

This query retrieves the first 5 rows from the sample-http-logs dataset.

  • limit: Similar to take, but explicitly limits the result set and often used for pagination or performance optimization.
  • sort: Used in combination with take when you want to fetch a subset of sorted data.
  • where: Filters rows based on a condition before using take for sampling specific subsets.