This guide demonstrates how to configure OpenTelemetry in Cloudflare Workers to send telemetry data to Axiom using the OTel CF Worker package.


Setting up your Cloudflare Workers environment

Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it:

mkdir my-axiom-worker && cd my-axiom-worker

Initialize a new Wrangler project using this command:

wrangler init --type="javascript"

Cloudflare Workers Script Configuration (index.ts)

Configure and implement your Workers script by integrating OpenTelemetry with the @microlabs/otel-cf-workers package to send telemetry data to Axiom, as illustrated in the example index.ts below:

// index.ts
import { trace } from '@opentelemetry/api';
import { instrument, ResolveConfigFn } from '@microlabs/otel-cf-workers';

export interface Env {
  AXIOM_API_TOKEN: string,

const handler = {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    await fetch('');
    const greeting = "Welcome to Axiom Cloudflare instrumentation";
    trace.getActiveSpan()?.setAttribute('greeting', greeting);
    return new Response(`${greeting}!`);

const config: ResolveConfigFn = (env: Env, _trigger) => {
  return {
    exporter: {
      url: '',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${env.AXIOM_API_TOKEN}`,
        'X-Axiom-Dataset': `${env.AXIOM_DATASET}`
    service: { name: 'axiom-cloudflare-workers' },

export default instrument(handler, config);

Wrangler Configuration (wrangler.toml)

Configure wrangler.toml with your Cloudflare account details and set environment variables for the Axiom API token and dataset.

name = "my-axiom-worker"
type = "javascript"
account_id = "$YOUR_CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID" # Replace with your actual Cloudflare account ID
workers_dev = true
compatibility_date = "2023-03-27"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]
main = "index.ts"

# Define environment variables here
AXIOM_API_TOKEN = "API_TOKEN" # Replace API_TOKEN with your actual Axiom API token
AXIOM_DATASET = "DATASET_NAME" # Replace DATASET_NAME with your actual Axiom dataset name

Install Dependencies

Navigate to the root directory of your project and add @microlabs/otel-cf-workers and other OTel packages to the package.json file.

    "name": "my-axiom-worker",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "A template for kick-starting a Cloudflare Workers project",
    "main": "index.ts",
    "scripts": {
      "start": "wrangler dev",
      "deploy": "wrangler publish"
    "dependencies": {
      "@microlabs/otel-cf-workers": "^1.0.0-rc.20",
      "@opentelemetry/api": "^1.6.0",
      "@opentelemetry/core": "^1.17.1",
      "@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http": "^0.43.0",
      "@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base": "^0.43.0",
      "@opentelemetry/otlp-transformer": "^0.43.0",
      "@opentelemetry/resources": "^1.17.1",
      "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base": "^1.17.1",
      "@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions": "^1.17.1",
      "deepmerge": "^4.3.1",
      "husky": "^8.0.3",
      "lint-staged": "^15.0.2",
      "ts-checked-fsm": "^1.1.0"
    "devDependencies": {
      "@changesets/cli": "^2.26.2",
      "@cloudflare/workers-types": "^4.20231016.0",
      "prettier": "^3.0.3",
      "rimraf": "^4.4.1",
      "typescript": "^5.2.2",
      "wrangler": "2.13.0"
    "private": true

Run npm install to install the packages. This command will install all the necessary packages listed in your package.json file.

Running the instrumented app

To run your Cloudflare Workers app with OpenTelemetry instrumentation, ensure your API token and dataset are correctly set in your wrangler.toml file. As outlined in our package.json file, you have two primary scripts to manage your app’s lifecycle.

In development mode

For local development and testing, you can start a local development server by running:

npm run start

This command runs wrangler dev allowing you to preview and test your app locally.

Deploying to production

Deploy your app to the Cloudflare Workers environment by running:

npm run deploy

This command runs wrangler publish, deploying your project to Cloudflare Workers.

Alternative: Use Wrangler directly

If you prefer not to use npm commands or want more direct control over the deployment process, you can use Wrangler commands directly in your terminal.

For local development:

wrangler dev

For deploying to Cloudflare Workers:

wrangler deploy

View your app in Cloudflare Workers

Once you’ve deployed your app using Wrangler, view and manage it through the Cloudflare dashboard. To see your Cloudflare Workers app, follow these steps:

  • In your Cloudflare dashboard, click Workers & Pages to access the Workers section. You see a list of your deployed apps.

  • Locate your app by its name. For this tutorial, look for my-axiom-worker.

View your app in your cloudflare workers dashboard

  • Click your app’s name to view its details. Within the app’s page, select the triggers tab to review the triggers associated with your app.

  • Under the routes section of the triggers tab, you will find the URL route assigned to your Worker. This is where your Cloudflare Worker responds to incoming requests. Vist the Cloudflare Workers documentation to learn how to configure routes

Observe the telemetry data in Axiom

As you interact with your app, traces will be collected and exported to Axiom, allowing you to monitor, analyze, and gain insights into your app’s performance and behavior.

Observe the telemetry data in Axiom

Dynamic OpenTelemetry traces dashboard

This data can then be further viewed and analyzed in Axiom’s dashboard, offering a deeper understanding of your app’s performance and behavior.

Dynamic Opentelemetry traces dashboard

Working with Cloudflare Pages Functions: Integration with OpenTelemetry is similar to Workers but uses the Cloudflare Dashboard for configuration, bypassing wrangler.toml. This simplifies setup through the Cloudflare dashboard web interface.

Manual Instrumentation

Manual instrumentation requires adding code into your Worker’s script to create and manage spans around the code blocks you want to trace.

  1. Initialize Tracer:

Use the OpenTelemetry API to create a tracer instance at the beginning of your script using the @microlabs/otel-cf-workers package.

import { trace } from '@opentelemetry/api';
const tracer = trace.getTracer('your-service-name');
  1. Create start and end Spans:

Manually start spans before the operations or events you want to trace and ensure you end them afterward to complete the tracing lifecycle.

const span = tracer.startSpan('operationName');
try {
  // Your operation code here
} finally {
  1. Annotate Spans:

Add important metadata to spans to provide additional context. This can include setting attributes or adding events within the span.

span.setAttribute('key', 'value');
span.addEvent('eventName', { 'eventAttribute': 'value' });

Automatic Instrumentation

Automatic instrumentation uses the @microlabs/otel-cf-workers package to automatically trace incoming requests and outbound fetch calls without manual span management.

  1. Instrument your Worker:

Wrap your Cloudflare Workers script with the instrument function from the @microlabs/otel-cf-workers package. This automatically instruments incoming requests and outbound fetch calls.

import { instrument } from '@microlabs/otel-cf-workers';

export default instrument(yourHandler, yourConfig);
  1. Configuration: Provide configuration details, including how to export telemetry data and service metadata to Axiom as part of the instrument function call.
const config = (env) => ({
  exporter: {
    url: '',
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${env.AXIOM_API_TOKEN}`,
      'X-Axiom-Dataset': `${env.AXIOM_DATASET}`
  service: { name: 'axiom-cloudflare-workers' },

After instrumenting your Worker script, the @microlabs/otel-cf-workers package takes care of tracing automatically.


List of OpenTelemetry trace fields

Field CategoryField NameDescription
Unique Identifiers
_rowidUnique identifier for each row in the trace data.
span_idUnique identifier for the span within the trace.
trace_idUnique identifier for the entire trace.
_systimeSystem timestamp when the trace data was recorded.
_timeTimestamp when the actual event being traced occurred.
HTTP Attributes
attributes.custom[“”]Host information where the HTTP request was sent.
attributes.custom[“http.server_name”]Server name for the HTTP request.
attributes.http.flavorHTTP protocol version used.
attributes.http.methodHTTP method used for the request.
attributes.http.routeRoute accessed during the HTTP request.
attributes.http.schemeProtocol scheme (HTTP/HTTPS).
attributes.http.status_codeHTTP response status code.
attributes.http.targetSpecific target of the HTTP request.
attributes.http.user_agentUser agent string of the client.
attributes.custom.user_agent.originalOriginal user agent string, providing client software and OS.
attributes.custom[“http.accepts”]Accepted content types for the HTTP request.
attributes.custom[“http.mime_type”]MIME type of the HTTP response.
attributes.custom.http.wrote_bytesNumber of bytes written in the HTTP response.
attributes.http.request.methodHTTP request method used.
attributes.http.response.status_codeHTTP status code returned in response.
Network Attributes number on the host receiving the request. number on the peer (client) side.
attributes.custom[“net.peer.ip”]IP address of the peer in the network interaction. peer address, indicating the IP version used. peer port number. version used in the network interaction. of the network protocol used. of the network protocol used.
attributes.server.addressAddress of the server handling the request.
attributes.url.fullFull URL accessed in the request.
attributes.url.pathPath component of the URL accessed.
attributes.url.queryQuery component of the URL accessed.
attributes.url.schemeScheme component of the URL accessed.
Operational Details
durationTime taken for the operation.
kindType of span (for example,, server, client).
nameName of the span.
scopeInstrumentation scope.
scope.nameName of the scope for the operation.
service.nameName of the service generating the trace.
service.versionVersion of the service generating the trace.
Resource Attributes
resource.environmentEnvironment where the trace was captured, for example,, production. of the cloud provider, for example,, cloudflare.workers. of the cloud provider, for example,, cloudflare. region where the service is located, for example,, earth.
resource.faas.max_memoryMaximum memory allocated for the function as a service (FaaS).
Telemetry SDK Attributes
telemetry.sdk.languageLanguage of the telemetry SDK, for example,, js.
telemetry.sdk.nameName of the telemetry SDK, for example,, @microlabs/otel-workers-sdk.
telemetry.sdk.versionVersion of the telemetry SDK.
Custom Attributes
attributes.custom.greetingCustom greeting message, for example,, “Welcome to Axiom Cloudflare instrumentation.”
attributes.custom[“http.accepts”]Specifies acceptable response formats for HTTP request.
attributes.custom[“net.asn”]Autonomous System Number representing the hosting entity.
attributes.custom[“net.colo”]Colocation center where the request was processed.
attributes.custom[“”]Country where the request was processed.
attributes.custom[“net.request_priority”]Priority of the request processing.
attributes.custom[“net.tcp_rtt”]Round Trip Time of the TCP connection.
attributes.custom[“net.tls_cipher”]TLS cipher suite used for the connection.
attributes.custom[“net.tls_version”]Version of the TLS protocol used for the connection.
attributes.faas.coldstartIndicates if the function execution was a cold start.
attributes.faas.invocation_idUnique identifier for the function invocation.
attributes.faas.triggerTrigger that initiated the function execution.

List of imported libraries


This package is designed for integrating OpenTelemetry within Cloudflare Workers. It provides automatic instrumentation capabilities, making it easier to collect telemetry data from your Workers apps without extensive manual instrumentation. This package simplifies tracing HTTP requests and other asynchronous operations within Workers.


The core API for OpenTelemetry in JavaScript, providing the necessary interfaces and utilities for tracing, metrics, and context propagation. In the context of Cloudflare Workers, it allows developers to manually instrument custom spans, manipulate context, and access the active span if needed.


This exporter enables your Cloudflare Workers app to send trace data over HTTP to any backend that supports the OTLP (OpenTelemetry Protocol), such as Axiom. Using OTLP ensures compatibility with a wide range of observability tools and standardizes the data export process.

@opentelemetry/otlp-exporter-base, @opentelemetry/otlp-transformer

These packages provide the foundational elements for OTLP exporters, including the transformation of telemetry data into the OTLP format and base classes for implementing OTLP exporters. They are important for ensuring that the data exported from Cloudflare Workers adheres to the OTLP specification.


Defines the Resource, which represents the entity producing telemetry. In Cloudflare Workers, Resources can be used to describe the worker (for example,, service name, version) and are attached to all exported telemetry, aiding in identifying data in backend systems.